RoiTotals - Usage

RoiTotals calculates statistics about the ROIs/VOIs in an ROI file. If an image has the slice thickness (pixel depth) set, the program also calculates statistics related to the image slice thickness (the volume of the ROIs, and the surface area of the ROIs).

Running the program without any arguments produces the following output:

Usage: RoiTotals [options] roiFile image
 -?,--help        Displays this help message.
 -i,--imaginary   Sets the intensity selection mode for complex images to
 -m,--magnitude   Sets the intensity selection mode for complex images to
 -p,--phase       Sets the intensity selection mode for complex images to
 -r,--real        Sets the intensity selection mode for complex images to
 -ver,--version   Prints the software build version, and exits.