Roivol - Usage

Roivol calculates statistics about the ROIs in an ROI file. If an image name is also supplied, the program calculates statistics related to the image slice thickness (the volume of the ROIs, and the surface area of the ROIs).

Running the program without any arguments produces the following output:

usage: Roivol [options] roiFile [image]
 -?,--help                 Displays this help message.
 -a,--annot <annotation>   Select ROIs that have the specified annotation
                           <annotation>. The test of the annotation is case-insensitive.
 -c,--colour               Separate ROI statistics by ROI colour.
 -s,--slice                Separate ROI statistics by image slice number.
 -ver,--version            Prints the software build version, and exits.
 -w,--write-stats          Write individual ROI statistics in the same
                           format as the "Write Statistics" function in Jim.