Affine Image Registration

Set up for affine registration by selecting the Affine tab:

Selecting either affine registration

Setting the Degrees of Freedom

The setting of the "degrees of freedom" (DoF) determines the what types of change (distortion) may be made to the registered images to make them align with the fixed image. There are are four basic types of distortion that can be applied to the images:

To allow a particular degree of freedom, select the button next to that DoF. For example, to allow scaling in the y-direction, select:


The number to the right of the DoF (in this case, 1) is the initial setting for that degree of freedom: when the registration is performed, the search procedure starts looking for the best registration parameters using the values you set in here. If you have not allowed the DoF, then the number cannot be changed, and is ignored.

To reset any changes back to the Identity transform (no distortion), click on the reset_transform_button button.

Above the Degrees of Freedom are the "Presets" buttons, that set up to allow particular types of distortion. Click one of these buttons to allow:

Remember, the more types of distortion (degrees of freedom) are allowed, the slower will be the registration process and the more chances there are for the registration procedure to go wrong and produce unexpected results when trying to register "difficult" images. Only use as many degrees of freedom as are demanded by the problem.

Other Settings

There are several user settings for registration:

Select the fixed image by clicking on the open icon, or by typing in the folder (directory) and file name of the image, or by pressing the right mouse button and selecting from the menu of recently-used images.

Selecting the fixed image

Next, select the images that you want to register to the fixed image by clicking on the select_images_button button. This will bring up a file chooser. Select one or more images to register in the file chooser, and press the Select button. You can add more images to this list by pressing the add_images_button button. Ensure that the images are in the order in which you want them to be processed. If they are not in the right order, select one or more images in the displayed list to move, and the click either the move_up_button button or move_down_button button to get them in the right order.

You can remove all the images from the list by clicking the remove_all_button button, or remove just some of the images by first selecting them, and then clicking the remove_selected_button button.

Now click on the Button to do the registration button to perform the registration. Registration will take several minutes for each of the images, during which time various progress indicators will pop up, allowing you to cancel the registration at any stage. If registration completes, the registered images will be produced.

The registered images have the same numbers of rows, columns and slices as the fixed image, but will have pixel intensity values taken from the registered images after they have been re-aligned to match the position of the fixed image. The registered image are automatically given a name the same as the input images, but with the letter "r" prepended to the name. For example, if you chose an image to be registered with a name MyImage, the registered image will be given the name rMyImage.

Viewing the Result

If you want to check on the quality of the registration, the best way is to load the fixed image into Jim's main display window. Then, load the registered image as an overlay image. You can automatically get Jim to load the registered image to the overlay by selecting the Load result button load_save. With this selected, as each registered image is produced, it is overlaid onto the image in Jim's main display.
Note: you must have the fixed image loaded into Jim's main display for this feature to work.

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