Class ContourWorker

All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, Future<ExitStatus>, RunnableFuture<ExitStatus>

public class ContourWorker extends MonitorWorker
A MonitorWorker for performing edge detection and contouring from a seed point.
  • Constructor Details

    • ContourWorker

      public ContourWorker(org.jogamp.vecmath.Point3i seedPoint, ReadableImage image, ComplexMode complexMode, ContourMode contourMode, double level, IntensityRelation intensityRelation, boolean threeD, short plusMinusSlices, byte userColour, boolean pixelSnap, boolean snapCentre, CanAddROIToFrame canAddROIToFrame, boolean preview) throws InvalidImageException
      Instantiates a new ContourWorker that will perform contouring from the supplied seed pixel.
      seedPoint - the coordinates of the pixel that will be used as the seed point.
      image - the image on which contouring will be performed.
      complexMode - the ComplexMode the contouring. For PixelDataType.COMPLEX images, the values contoured will depend on this setting.
      contourMode - the mode by which the edge is located, before contouring around the edge.
      level - the intensity level if contouring at a fixed level.
      intensityRelation - the IntensityRelation of the feature to be contoured relative to the background.
      threeD - whether to create contours in 3-D.
      plusMinusSlices - the maximum number of slices either side of the seed slice when propagating in 3-D.
      userColour - the user-specified colour for the created ContourROIs.
      pixelSnap - whether to snap the contour to the nearest pixel corners/centres.
      snapCentre - if true, snap to the centre of pixels; if false snap to the corners.
      canAddROIToFrame - resulting ROIs will be loaded to this CanAddROIToFrame by this ContourWorker.
      preview - true if the ROI(s) generated are to be previewed only, rather than added.
      InvalidImageException - if the pixel intensity values cannot be gotten from the image.
  • Method Details