ROI Propagation - Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV)

This third calculation allows the velocity of a pressure pulse wave (the pulse wave velocity) to be calculated in a phase-contrast angiography image. The propagation delay between two regions of interest is computed by examining the time/velocity profile in each region. The propagation delay is estimated from the peak in the cross-correlation function between the two velocity profiles. You can also use this tool to examine the volume flow rate through the cardiac cycle in the vessels, although if this is the only thing you want to do, then you would be better using the volume flow rate calculation (VFR).

In this example, we will use a single axial slice phase-contrast angiogram through the ascending and descending aorta to calculate the pulse wave velocity (PWV) around the aortic arch. An MRI phase-contrast angiography sequence results in both a magnitude image and a phase image; the phase image is used to calculate the blood flow velocities, but we will use the magnitude image to outline the ascending and descending aorta.

The phase image is shown as a movie below.

A phase-contrast angiogram of the aorta

Phase images have intensity ranges that map to phase changes of +π .. -π. The actual intensity values that map to this phase range can be -4096 .. +4096 (typical of images from Siemens MRI scanners), 0 .. +4096 or -3142 .. +3142 (typical of Philips images). Jim can automatically convert from the image intensity values to phase values.

We will outline the ascending and descending aorta on a few of the magnitude cine frames, propagate the ROIs to all time points and then go on to calculate the PWV.

Having loaded the magnitude image into Jim's main display, we launched the ROI Propagation toolkit and, using Spline ROIs, outlined the ascending and descending aorta at 4 time points: at the beginning and end of the cardiac cycle, and two points around systole. One of these time points is illustrated below:

Phase-contrast angiogram magnitude image, with ascending and
                            descending aorta outlined at one time-point
Phase-contrast angiogram magnitude image, with ascending and descending aorta outlines shown at one of the time-points

Initially, we used the settings: However, these settings resulted in a 'bleb' forming on the ascending aorta in some of the image frames, where the image contrast was poor, as illustrated below.

Propagated ROIs with a bleb on some cardiac phases
'Bleb' seen on the ROIs in some frames of the phase-contrast angio magnitude image

During the propagation, in some of the image frames, the contrast is not good enough to prevent the ROIs from wandering from the outline of the aorta. This was corrected by manually setting the number of time coefficients to 30. Running the propagation again the resulted in a smoother transition from frame-to-frame, and the outline of the aorta was then followed accurately across all frames.

Calculating the PWV

We will now go on to calculate the PWV of the aorta. Select the 'PWV' tab in the 'Propagated ROI Calculations' panel:

Tab to calculate pulse wave velocity

Then set:

Click the Button to perform the calculation on the propagated ROIs button to start the area and PWV calculation.

First, the volume flow rate through each ROI is calculated over the cardiac cycle. A graph showing the volume flow rate through each ROI then pops up:

Volume flow rate through each ROI over the cardiac cycle

Then a dialog pops up with a report on the calculated pulse wave velocity:

Report on the calculated pulse wave velocity (PWV)

The dialog shows:

You can save these data to a report, either in plain text format, or in PDF format by clicking the appropriate button.

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