Region of Interest (ROI) Statistics

Statistics about the ROIs can be displayed in the ROI Toolkit. To turn on and off the display of statistics, click the "Show Statistics" check box: show_stats

ROI editing is much slower when statistics are being shown, since each time an ROI is changed, the statistics have to be re-computed; you may therefore prefer to keep "Show Statistics" turned off while editing ROIs. This does not affect the final computation of ROI areas and volumes etc., since when needed, the statistics are always computed.

Unlike many other image analysis programs, the calculation of ROI statistics in Jim is almost exact; it is common in medical image analysis to calculate statistics around whole pixels, even though ROIs do not necessarily encompass whole pixels.

Note: the computation of ROI area statistics for Irregular and Hollow ROIs is NOT "exact", but the error is within known (small) bounds. Similarly, the computation of ROI pixel intensity statistics is also not exact, but the behaviour of the errors are stable and well-understood. The algorithms used to calculate statistics are explained in the algorithms section.

Computed Statistics

The following are computed and shown in the ROI Toolkit window when "Show Statistics" is turned on:

If the turn on "Extended Statistics" from the View menu, view_show_extended, the following additional statistics are computed and shown:

If the display units are set to mm, the perimeter and Feret's diameters are shown in mm; if the display units are set to pixels, they are shown in pixels.

Note: If you select a deleted ROI, the statistics shown for the ROI are those that applied at the time the ROI was deleted.

If you have more than one ROI selected, the statistics shown will apply to the combined ROIs. For example, the area shown will be combined area; the mean shown will be the mean intensity over the combined area.

Writing Statistics

ROI statistics can be written to a disk file in a tabular format suitable for importing into a spread-sheet for further analysis. The format of a statistics file is given in the file formats section, and is a space (" ") separated tabular format, with each ROI contributing one row to the table.

You choose which of the statistics using the check boxes to the right of the statistics in the "ROI Details" panel: write_check. Each item checked will appear as a separate column in the ROI stats file.

You can also choose to sort the statistics into different orders. By default they will simply be written out slice-by-slice. However, if you select one of the buttons beneath the "Sort by" column, you can sort the statistics into different order.


Write the ROI statistics using Write Statistics from the File menu of the ROI Toolkit: file_write_roi_stats,

A File Chooser will prompt you for a file name into which to write the statistics (default extension ".txt"; default file name from the image name). If the stats file already exists, you will be asked whether you want to:

The ROI Toolkit will now calculate the statistics for all the ROIs in the image, and store those requested in the stats file.

Note: any space characters in the annotation text will be replaced by an underscore ("_"), since the space character is used to delimit the columns of the table.

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