Starting the DICOM Storage Server on Bootup

In order for your computer to act as a DICOM storage server, you will normally want to start the StorageServer program on reboot. Please follow the instructions below for Linux systems or Apple Macs.

On a Linux System

  1. Log into your computer as root.
  2. Create a new user called "dicom", which has write permission to write to the image storage folder that is configured in the DicomServer script.
  3. Click right on dicomserver and select "Save Link As ...". Save the file to a convenient location, such as your Desktop.
  4. Copy this script into a folder containing the items that will be executed on system reboot.
    sudo cp dicomServer /etc/init.d/dicomserver
    Then, create a symbolic link to it:

    N.B this startup script assumes that the storage server program StorageServer is installed in /usr/local/bin; edit the script dicomserver if it is not.

  5. Make sure that new script is executable by root.
  6. Start the script by hand to make sure that is correctly configured:
                        cd /etc/init.d; ./DicomServer start
  7. If all is well, reboot your system and check the StorageServer daemon is running:
    # ps -ef | grep StorageServer
    root  5354     1  0 16:34:58 pts/2    0:00 /bin/csh /usr/local/bin/StorageServer
    root  5357  5345  0 16:35:10 pts/2    0:00 grep StorageServer
  8. You're done. The StorageServer will start up automatically every time your computer reboots. Note, however, that your computer won't receive images from a remote DICOM server if it is turned off!

On a Mac OS System

  1. Click right on com.xinapse.storageserver.plist and select "Download Linked File". Save the file to a convenient location, such as your Desktop.
  2. Open a terminal window and go to the location where this file needs to be copied.
                          cd /Library/LaunchDaemons
    Now copy the required file to this folder:
                          sudo cp ~/Desktop/com.xinapse.storageserver.plist .
    Note: there is a space and a period (".") at the end of the command above.
    Note: you will need Administrator rights to perform the above command. The sudo command above gives you administrator rights, but you will be prompted to enter your password.

    N.B the file com.xinapse.storageserver.plist assumes that you installed the script StorageServer in /usr/local/bin; edit the script com.xinapse.storageserver.plist if you installed it elsewhere. You will also need to edit the StorageServer script its self, since this also assumes that you put the scripts in /usr/local/bin.

  3. Reboot your system and check the StorageServer daemon is running:
    # ps -ef | grep StorageServer
    0    15     1   0   0:00.01 ??         0:00.01 /bin/csh /usr/local/bin/StorageServer
    0    54    15   0   0:00.01 ??         0:00.01 /bin/csh /usr/local/bin/RunTool true com.xinapse.apps.convert.StorageServer 
    0    79    54   0   0:00.79 ??         0:11.53 /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/17/Commands/java -Ddongle.debug=true -DOutputType=UNC -DTextMode=true -Dlicense.filename=/Applications/Xinapse/Jim9/license.txt -Dlicense.debug=false -Xms64m -Xmx1024m -classpath /Applications/Xinapse/Jim9/xinapse9.jar:/Applications/Xinapse/Jim9/cli.jar:/Applications/Xinapse/Jim9/itext.jar:/Applications/Xinapse/Jim9/j3d-vrml97.jar:/Applications/Xinapse/Jim9/templates.jar com.xinapse.apps.convert.StorageServer
    501   213   184   0   0:00.00 ttys000    0:00.00 grep StorageServer
  4. You're done. The StorageServer will start up automatically every time your computer reboots. Note, however, that your computer won't act as a dicom storage server if it is turned off!
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