Image Synthesis - Introduction

The Image Synthesis tool can be used to generate synthetic weighted MR images: images that have the appearance of those collected with a spin-echo, inversion-recovery or double inversion-recovery pulse sequence, but which can have any repetition time, echo time or inversion time you choose.

As input, Image Synthesis uses a calculated proton-density (PD) image, a calculated T1 image and a calculated T2 image. Note: these are calculated images, not weighted images. These calculated images may be produced, for example, using Jim's Image Fitter tool, or they may be produced directly by some MRI scanners from special pulse sequences - General Electric MRI scanners in particular may be able to produce these calculated images.

Start the Image Synthesis tool from the Process menu: process_algebra

The Image Synthesis frame will now appear as shown below:

The Image Synthesis tool

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