Task-Based Help - MTR and MTR Histograms

In this example, we will process an fMRI data-set from a single subject acquired using a simple on/off block-design activation task.

  1. Start the Dynamic Analysis tool, and select the General Linear Model tab.

  2. Select the input image(s). In this example, each time point is in a separate image file, so we selected the multiple_images_one_per_time_point button. Then we selected the select_images_button button, and chose our input images. The file names are numbered in the right order, so the input images do not need to be reordered using the move_up_button or move_down_button buttons.

  3. The time between images was set to 1.995 (which is the sequence repetition time), and we created an ROI file containing regions of interest that outlined the brain on every slice. This ROI file (which we called BrainMask.roi) was selected as the mask.

  4. Since the subject moved slightly during the scan, we selected the register_time_series check-box. We also provided a mild spatial blur to improve the SPMs by setting the smoothing filter FWHM to 3 mm.

  5. The number of pre-steady-state images was set to 3, since the magnetisation has not reached a steady state for the first three time-points, making them brighter than the rest of the images.

  6. The general linear model was set up to match the task. The task was a simple on-off activation paradigm, with 8 images of rest followed by 8 images or stimulation, and the whole cycle was repeated 8 times. If you want to use this setup repeatedly, or use it in batch processing, you can save it to an XML disk file by pressing the save_glm_spec_button button

  7. We set a p-value of 0.05 for the significance level, and select the Bonferroni correction check-box so that we can be more confident that we are seeing real activation in the T-statistic SPMs.

  8. The output image base name was set to "Test".

The picture below shows the full set-up.


Pressing the apply_button button results in the creation of several output images, with name created from the base name "Test" set above, and the correlate name "MovingDots". These are:

Below, you can see the T-statistic map overlaid on one of the input images for a visual stimulation task.

T-statistic activation map overlaid on an fMRI input image.

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