10.13 (High Sierra) 10.14 (Mojave) 10.15 (Catalina), 11 (Big Sur), 12 (Monterey) and 13 (Ventura) Installation

Jim can be installed on 64-bit Apple Mac computers (with either an Intel or an Apple M1 processor) running Mac OS 10.13 (High Sierra) or later. Installation of Jim is in six stages:

  1. Install Java
  2. Install the Jim software
  3. Request a license
  4. Install the license
  5. Customise the installation (optional)
  6. Download some example images (optional)

  1. Installing Java. You must have 64-bit Java version 17 installed, which can be downloaded from Oracle. Jim will only run with Java 17.

    On Macs with Intel processors, you need to install the x64 version of Java; on Macs with Arm 64 (M1) processors, you need to install the Arm 64 (AArch64) version of Java.

    There may be multiple versions of Java on your computer, but you can specify which one to use when you install Jim. Drag the downloaded Java install file to your Desktop, then open a terminal window (use Finder to search for "terminal" if you are not sure how to do this) and type the following commands:

    cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
    sudo tar xvf ~/Desktop/*jdk-17*.tar.gz
    This will install Java 17 to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines.
  2. Installing Jim. Download the Jim jim-9-installer.jar from this link. When the download is complete, drag the downloaded file onto your Desktop. Next, in the terminal window type:
    sudo /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-17*.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -jar ~/Desktop/jim-9-installer.jar
    This will launch the installer, and install Jim in /Applications/Xinapse/Jim9.

    Note: on Mac OS 10.9 or later, you may see an error like the one below:

    Warning on Mac about unidentified developer

    Click the 'OK' button, and then from the Apple menu, select "System Preferences ..."

    Selecting the System Preferences on a Mac

    Then click on the 'Security & Privacy' icon:

    Mac System Preferences

    This will bring up the Security & Privacy settings:

    Mac Security & Privacy Settings

    Click lock, then the 'Open Anyway' button, which will enable Jim's installer to run.

  3. License request. The easiest way to obtain the details needed to send for a license is to try starting Jim. If you have not yet received a license file, you will see a pop-up error dialog like the one shown below.

    Pop-up window showing no license (MacOS)

    At the top of this dialog, you see a message like This computer's Host ID is "00123FDB5B8C". Send the Host ID to license, and we will then send you in return by e-mail a license file for Jim.

    Note: you can automatically compose an e-mail to request the license if you click the Button to compose an e-mail button.

    Note: Please use your professional or institutional email address. If you do not, you may not receive a reply.

    Note: this is not an automated service, and there will be a delay before you receive your license file.

    Note: If you have a network of computers, installation of Jim need not be done on the same computer that you intend to use to run Jim. The Host ID you send should be for the computer on which you intend to run Jim.

    If you have received and believe you have correctly installed your license file, then you can get Jim to print out more detailed messages about why licensing has failed. Press the debug_button button. This will pop up a further dialog containing detailed license debugging messages. You can use these to diagnose the problem, or e-mail the messages shown in this window to support, to help us to diagnose the problem.

    If you have purchased network (floating) licenses, you can set up the connection to your license server by clicking on the Button to connect to a license server button. See the instructions for setting up a connection to a license server.

  4. Install the License. The license file you will receive by e-mail should be saved to a text file, and copied into the Jim install folder (/Applications/Xinapse/Jim9). Please ensure that the name of this file is "license.txt".

    Please also make sure that the license file in the Jim install folder is NOT an Alias to the license file, but is the actual license text file. If you create an Alias to the license.txt file, Jim will not start.

  5. You may want use Finder to go to the Applications/Xinapse/Jim9 installation folder and drag the Jim9 icon onto your Desktop for easier access to starting Jim. Now see the section on customising a Mac OS installation.

  6. You may also wish to download some example images to get you going with Jim.
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