Descriptive Information about the Image

A description about the currently-loaded image can be seen by pressing the image information
      button button at the bottom of an Image Display frame. The Image Info frame will now pop up:

image information frame

The frame is divided into two parts. The upper part shows information that applies to the whole of the image (such as patient information, scan type details etc.), while the lower part show slice-specific information (such as the location of the slice, slice image number etc.). Until you select a slice, no slice-specific information will be shown. Note that the Analyze TM file format does not have any slice-specific information.

The exact form of the information depends on the type of data format that was imported or loaded into Jim. Click the done button when you have finished reading the information.

Searching the Information

You can search the image information by selecting Find from the Edit menu of the Image Info frame. This brings up the textual search dialog:

search text

As you enter the text you wish search for into the text field, you will begin searching forward through the text. Click the search backwards button to switch to searching backwards, or the search forwards button to go back to searching forwards. Make your textual search case-sensitive by clicking the match case check-box.

Saving the Image Information

You can save the image information into a text file.

In either case, you will be prompted for a file into which the image information will be saved.

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