Painting Pixel Values

From within the ROI Toolkit, you can directly change the pixel values in an image by "painting" with the mouse. This is done using the buttons shown below:

Tools for painting pixel values

Once you have an image loaded, you can set the pixel value (intensity) to paint into the image in one of two ways: Note: when you load a new image, the paint value must be re-selected. This is because the data type of the paint value depends on the data type of the loaded image.

To paint pixels, press the Button start painting pixel values. [Keyboard accelerator: point to the image and press the 'w' key.]. Holding the left mouse button down, draw on the image where you want to paint the pixel values. Double-click with the mouse to finish painting; press the "Esc" key to cancel the painting.

You can undo the last paint operation using the Undo from the ROI Toolkit's Edit menu, or typing Control-Z.

The width of the drawing pen is set using the Setting the width of the pixel
                                                               paint pen selector, and is measured in screen pixels.

When you have painted the pixel values, be sure to save the image, or your changes will be lost.

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