Outlining the Cord

Now that you have a set of Markers at the cord centre-line between your two landmarks, the Cord Finder will use them to outline the spinal cord.

First, select the ROI file you created in the previous step by clicking on the select_roi_file_button button, and navigating to the ROI file. Setup the automatic cord outlining according to your needs. The following can be set to alter the quality of the cord outlining:

For any particular study, you should use the same values of the tuneable settings for all subjects and all time points in the study. Clicking on the save_settings_button button will ensure that these settings are used the next time you start the Cord Finder.

Finally, click on the find_cord_button button. The Cord Finder will now start working and when finished (normally after approximately 1 minute), a set of Irregular ROIs will be added to the displayed cord image, outlining the cord on every slice between your landmarks:

Cord outline at the C3 level.

You should review the outlines to check for any gross errors. When you are learning to use the Cord Finder, you may need to experiment with changing the settings above to achieve a cord outline that follows the cord shape on all slices. However, these settings should be fixed when you come to study a patient cohort under trial conditions.

When you are happy with the outlines, you should go on to calculate the cord areas and volumes.

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