Enabling DICOM Debugging

You can turn on (enable) or turn off (disable) debugging of the DICOM Query/Retrieve tool, Storage Server and DICOM send to help diagnose problems with these facilities. Do this by selecting Debugging Options ... from the Configure menu of the Query/Retrieve tool, or clicking the change_button button in the Storage Server or DICOM send. When you choose to turn on debugging, the following dialog pops up.


Select the following options:

If you are unsure, click both check-boxes to enable all debugging messages.

By default, error messages will be sent to System.out (usually, a terminal window or DOS window that you used to start Jim). If you didn't start Jim from a command prompt, then you should send the debugging messages to a log file. In any case, it will generally be useful to send the debugging messages into a log file, for later analysis. Click the set_debug_log_file_button button, which will bring up a file chooser for you select a log file name. If you choose a file that already exists, its contents will be overwritten.

When you have chosen your debugging options, press the apply_button button, and then the done_button button. Debugging messages will now be sent to chosen log file.

You can either examine the contents of the log file yourself, or send the log file to support so that we can help diagnose the problem. Be sure to turn debugging options off when you have generated your log of activities.

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