DICOM Query/Retrieve

Jim provides facilities to connect to your DICOM servers if they support Query/Retrieve as a service class provider (SCP). Jim can query a remote DICOM node and list the patients according to a simple search query. It can then retrieve the images and either:

If you have problems with DICOM Query/Retrieve and have checked the configuration of both Jim and the remote DICOM node, then enable debugging by selecting Debugging Options ... from the Configure menu. Please see the DICOM debugging section which will help pinpoint the problem. You can also download our DICOM conformance statement which may help in the setting up of your remote DICOM nodes to communicate with Jim.

Start Query/Retrieve from the File menu: file_dicom_qr

This brings up the Query/Retrieve window:


Before you use it for the first time, you need to configure Query/Retrieve so that it knows about the remote DICOM server(s) that you want to query. Click here for instructions.

To tell Query/Retrieve how to handle images acquired sequentially with the same pulse sequence, select Preferences ...
from the Configure menu. This pops up the preferences dialog :


This allows you to choose:

Click the save_settings_button button to save the settings so that they will be retained next time you start Jim.


You can now:

  • At any point you can enter a new Query and press the query_button button to generate a new list of Patient/Studies.

    Note: if you cancel a query that is in progress, it will take a few seconds to communicate this cancellation to the remote node. During this time, it will not be possible to initiate a new query or retrieve.

    Note: while Jim is capable of retrieving all kinds of DICOM images, it may not be able to display all of them. For example, Jim cannot display spectra, and some types of image with overlays. In this case, if you have "Load result" selected, Jim will give an error message that indicates that the image retrieved could not be displayed.

    The Logging and Preferences options set from the Configure menu are the same as for the Image Converter tool.

    Debugging DICOM Query-Retrieve Problems

    If query/retrieve fails, or the retrieved image fails to appear in Jim's display, you can sometimes get to the root of the problem by turning on debugging messages. If you would like Xinapse Systems to help get to the root of these problems, then we may request you send us these debugging messages.

    Please see the DICOM debugging.

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